Self-motivated student who is passionate about contributing to environmental protection and sustainable development. Fast learner, especially in programming and language. Reliable and responsible team member. Had rich relevant research experience. Possesses interdisciplinary background with expertise in both environmental science and economics.
Government Program - Water Pollution Source Tracking and Systematic Management Planning for Xiangcheng District, Suzhou City (“苏州市相城区水环境国考断面溯源整治工作方案”)
Python : experienced in using python to process data, draw a variety of graphics
2024 - Green Innovation through Trade: The Impact of European Union Emissions Trading Scheme on Chinese Exporters (with Yinan Liu, Hao Zhao), Revise and Resubmit Journal of International Money and Finance
2023 - A refined model coupling budget model with pollutant generation and discharge accounting model to estimate non-point source pollution loads in a plain river network region (with Ying Wang, Jing Feng, ect.) Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae 2023 (in Chinese)